Aidan, lead executive of Comfort Gives, was recently on the news! Aidan, our Chief Comfort Officer, is a trained comfort dog for children with cancer, hospice patients, veterans, and now for employees at ThoughtFocus. Christina Van Zelst from Fox 6, and Meghan Reistad from CBS 58 recently visited our Brookfield office to showcase our CCO in action.
During these unconventional times, it is important to keep work enjoyable, and reduce employee’s stress levels in any way possible. It’s been proven that dogs in the workplace encourage employee interaction, provide social support, and reduce stress. Aidan’s natural ability to provide comfort is a significant addition to our Brookfield office, and to ThoughtFocus as a whole. Marketing Director and Aidan’s handler, Samantha Kandah, explained that now is the perfect time for him to do what he does best, provide comfort to others.