Artificial Intelligence for Business
ThoughtFocus helps companies of all sizes rewire decision making, extract maximum value from data, automate, optimize, and engineer successful outcomes at scale. Identify trends, predict future results and turbo-charge your entire value chain.
Achieve your business goals
Proactive Prediction
AI (Artificial Intelligence) systems that learn from historic data and predict the future using current data.
Recommendation Systems
AI recommends actions that will improve business outcomes. For example, automated "smart product recommendations to customers."
Explainable AI
Like a human expert, AI explains factors that influenced various outcomes. For example, it explains “why a loan application was denied” and suggests what interventions are needed to improve a credit score.
Active Process
AI systems that understand what is happening on live data such as detecting live security threats or recognizing transaction fraud.
Reactive Understanding
What influenced customer behavior changes across a multi-channel sales environment?
ThoughtFocus brings proven AI, data science, and machine learning capability across various industries and customers. You don’t have to go through learnings and experimentation cycles to achieve your strategic AI goals. Ask about these services and capabilities:
Targeted AI Assessment:
- We identify AI solutions that go well with your organization's overall feasibility, business needs, investment capacity and ROI
AI roadmap:
- Carve out your AI roadmap to understand how AI will help your business achieve its goals. No matter where you are in your AI journey (see infographic), we’ll help you understand how to get where you need to be
Business Value Modules Break Out:
- Generate faster ROI with module break-out sessions. These sessions break AI transformation into business value modules and focus on delivering business value at frequent intervals. We'll show you how to leverage your current AI investments to fully minimize Capex investment on new infrastructure, technology, and tools.
Enterprise AI Model:
- Our Enterprise AI model is a strong “AI+Cloud/Infra+System Engineering+Process” all in a box, we deliver and engineer successful outcomes not just algorithms.